The law of attraction simply states that Like Attracts Like. Events happen because of the energies we give out and in turn attract. This happens regardless of whether or not we deliberately try to control the energies we give out.
Belief in this statement would make us euphoric. If we fill ourselves with positive energy, we will attract positive energy and ultimately we would be in 'heaven' where only positive things happen to us and everything is perfect!
Unfortunately, the reality is that we are not in 'heaven' but on 'earth'. On earth we find that everything is not governed and controlled by the Law of Attraction. In our day to day lives we find that just exuding good energies is not surrounding us with good energies and insulating us from all negative energies. Therefore no matter how much good energy we are filled with and surrounded by, bad and negative things still happen to us.
Does this debunk the Law of Attraction$%: In the fine print of the law there are also some energies that we give out unintentionally or unconsciously. These may be negative or positive energies. Consequently, we find that despite all our Focus and Belief and efforts to control the energies we give out, we are not able to gain complete control over the energies we give out, thereby we do not have complete control over all that happens to us.
Focusing only on the positive make us put on blinkers that help us believe we will experience only positive. Therefore all negative experiences are attributed to the strong negative energies that others have focused on us. As children we called them spells that had been cast on us. We find it easier to lay the blame elsewhere, rather than to acknowledge the negative energy that we ourselves may have unconsciously given out.
Focusing on the positive also presupposes that we will also be able to control the energies of those around us or that those around us are also surrounding themselves with positive energy, thereby creating an island of positive energy.
We presume that when we do someone a favor, they in turn will return the favor. We help to clean out a neighbor's garage with the assumption that when the need should arise, they in turn would help us clean out our garage. However this does not always happen in practice. Using this example to debunk the Law of Attraction would be shortsighted. The fault lies not in the faulty definition of the law, but rather in our faulty definition of the same.
We should fill ourselves with positive energy and try to surround ourselves with positive energy as well. At the same time we should also remember that we could easily be exuding some negative energy unconsciously, which in turn will attract some negative energy through the cracks. The route to success would like in our success to continue to focus on our positive energy, while acknowledging the negative energy that may have seeped in through the cracks. It would lie in focusing on our achievements while at the same time acknowledging the small failures we may have experienced along the way.
We are all huge magnets of various events - good and bad. We cannot gain total control over the energies we give out. Therefore we cannot expect only positive things to happen to us. We should also acknowledge that while we can to some extent control the energies we exude, we have no control over the energies that others around us give out. The key to success would lie in us not allowing ourselves to get derailed by the negative energies and events surrounding us. We should focus on trying to gain ever increasing control on the energies we give out. We should also remember the adage 'What Goes Around, Comes Around'. Therefore, what energies we give out will tend to come back to us.